

Mountain's don't often have signal... contact Mahmoud quickly by messaging him through Facebook: Go to Mahmouds's Profile
Mahmoud Ashraf
Position(s): Expeditions 20/21
Away Trips 19/20
Studies: Advanced Studies beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. (rumoured to be in ECS)
Favourite walking destination: Wherever Munros are, more the better.
Ask him about: Public transport to Scotland and Wales
Mascot: Herdy the Highland Coow
Not so secret fact: A 'Mountaineering' Club member

Pres says:

Mahmoud has been my fellow Away Trip Sec this past year. He is responsible for our outgoing President's new allergy and likes to participate in lively discussions. If he isn't found in Southampton, he's up in the highlands pushing SUSU's insurance policy to its limit. If you're looking to live and learn mountaineering, he's your man.

Thomas thinks Mahmoud will say:

Footpaths are too simple, ideally all walks should be covered in snow and involve graded climbing sections. If this sounds in anyway interesting, please get in contact and help me form my own club.