⚠ Please note you must be a paid member to hire kit! More infomration about paid membership can be found on Membership & FAQs page.

Kit Hire

One benefit of our membership is kite hire! Our club has amassed lots of kit over the years, from tents and gas burners to ice axes and Jenga! As a result we thought it would be a waste to keep it all to ourselves, so we hire some of our kit out. All of the kit listed below is available to hire! While a lot of this kit is accessible some of it is more technical such as tents and ice axes, so please contact us if you are unsure. To go through with a hire, please email us and fill out the sign up form Here.

Here is some more information about some of the kit we hire! A full inventory is at the bottom of the page.

We have a range of tents from 1-5 man size which can be hired! These are great to borrow for a camping holiday with your friends, or backpacking alone!

In addition to tents we can also let you borrow outdoor cooking equipment! We have gas stoves, bowls, pans and cutlery to allow you to cook up a feast. Gas canisters for the stoves are unfortuatly not included though these can be bought from a variety of stores for cheap.

In our socials kit, we have many outdoor games equipment! This includes our GIANT Jenga, Cubb, Frisbees among others. We also have BBQs, great for a day out on the common!

If you would like to go ahead with a hire, there is some information below about some conditions. Full conditions are found in the hire form.

Kit Hire: Terms and Conditions

Before you hire kit, there are a few conditions that you need to be aware of. These are:

  • You must be a paid member to hire kit, this is 10 pounds a semester or 20 pounds a year.
  • You must fill out the form at least one week before the hire begins. Please not availbility may be limited during university breaks.
  • We are not liable for any injuries that you or others may sustain as a result of use of the equipment.
  • If any of the equipment is damaged during a hire you will be expected to pay for full repair or replacement but exceptional circumstances may be considered.
  • You will be expected to sign a form confirming you accept these and a few other condictions. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us!